You may have seen malt flour in a bread recipe or packaging ingredients. It’s one of the most common dough improvers in home and commercial bread baking. One reason is that it’s a natural product and is easy to source online. It’s a controversial ingredient as many bakers choose not to bake without it, and plenty of others are classing it as an “artificial dough improver” and resisting its use.
If you have questions such as “What is malt flour” or “How to use malt flour in bread?” this guide is for you.
Malt flour is made from malting barley. Barley grain is harvested and left to sprout in water. After the barley has sprouted, it is then dried. Once the grains have dried out, they are ground into a powder and packaged as malt flour.
During drying, the malt produces an abundance of the amylase enzyme. Amylase is an enzyme that works as a catalyst (an accelerant) to break down a starch called amylose. The other starch found in flour is amylopectin. Both alpha-amylase and beta-amylase work together, performing slightly different duties to break down amylose and amylopectin.
The action of amylase means each amylose molecule is broken down into simple sugars, maltose and glucose. Amylopectin is broken down into glucose, as is the produced maltose. Yeast cells process the glucose sugars to produce carbon dioxide alongside other yeast fermentation properties.
Dextrin is a water-binding carbohydrate produced when amylase is active in bread dough. Dextrin is also a popular additive in soft bread itself as it binds water to produce a softer and more moist crumb.
Of course, adding enzymes and ingredients you’d not normally find in your kitchen cupboard sounds scary. However, amylase is perfectly safe to eat. It already exists in flour and is also produced by yeast cells. By adding malted barley flour to a recipe, you are adding more of an existing ingredient.
Every type of flour is different, depending on the wheat grown, its growing conditions and growth at the point of harvest.
When flour is deemed to have low hypodiastic activity, it will be slow to break down starch into sugars, making the dough rise slowly.
There are many reasons malt flour can be used to change the characteristics of bread. It is used in many baked goods like pastries, pies, muffins, and more. Here are the key features of malt flour when used in bread production:
Diastatic malt flour is ground malt powder and contains a high quantity of amylase. Its purpose is to improve the flour and the quality of the dough. It is not a substitute for regular flour and must be used in small quantities to avoid negative effects.
This type of malt flour is kiln-dried to deactivate the amylase enzyme. Non-diastatic malt is used for flavour in bread and other bakery products.
It’s extremely rich in the reducing sugar, maltose (a polymer of two glucose sugars). This sweetens the bread and browns the crust. The flavour of non-diastatic malt flour is a slightly sweet, roasted-nut smell, perfect for wholesome baking styles.
Deactivated malt flour is added in bolder quantities. Its richer flavour is often complemented with other sweet flavours like sugar, beer, seeds or rye. It is usually 40% as sweet as sucrose, so is often used in sweet bread types.
It’s popular in seeded loaves and shortly-fermented bread, providing a warming, mature flavour. A bitter taste is left on the palate if too much is added to a recipe.
Cereal amylases are sometimes listed as an ingredient in wheat flour. They are added to improve the hypodiasticity of weak flour and are often a form of activated malt flour, but they can be sourced from other processes, such as fruit.
Diastatic malt flour has three core uses:
Non-diastatic malt can replace a portion of the wheat flour in a bread recipe.
Using the baker’s percentage, based on the total weight of flour used, recommended dosage levels of malt flour are:
Diastatic malt flour: 0.2 – 9%
Non-diastatic malt flour: 0.5-2.5%
Bread type | Recommended baker’s percentage |
Crusty rolls | 1.25 % |
Wheat rolls | 2.7 % |
Light rye bread | 0.5 % |
Pumpernickel | 1.6 % |
White pan bread | 0.5 – 1.5 % |
Sweet goods | 1.5 – 3.0 % |
French/Italian bread | 0.5 – 2.0% |
Whole wheat bread | 5.0 – 9.0% |
Sourdough bread | 0.2 -1% |
As diastatic malt powder breaks starch into sugars, an abundance of sugars appears when too much is used. Sugars retain water and inhibit water supply to the yeast cells due to osmosis which means over-using diastatic malt powder creates an excessively wet and gummy bread crumb and slows the rise of the bread.
When using malt flour for the first time, start with a small amount and increase usage based on your findings.
As yeast provides amylase, adding malt flour to every bread dough is not essential.
A little malt flour will speed up the process of sourdough production, as in sourdough bread, lactic bacteria outnumber the yeast cells in the starter, meaning starch is slower to break down into sugars.
Many bakers find prefer a longer bulk fermentation over the use of malt flour as more flavour and structural benefits are found. In this line of thought, malt flour can decrease the quality of sourdough bread.
When making long-fermented bread, malt flour is a sensible consideration for remedying a slow rise, especially when using a large quantity of prefermented dough in your recipe. In most cases, I prefer to look at raising the proofing temperature or increasing the activity of the sourdough starter first.
Malt flour will enhance aerobic respiration to make lighter, softer bread when following a quickly-risen bread recipe.
In all cases, remember that too much malt flour will lead to a gummy crumb!
Malt flour is gaining popularity among health-conscious bakers. It is high in fibre and contains minerals such as magnesium, potassium, zinc, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and a high quantity of vitamin B-12. Its sweet flavour works as a replacement for sugar in a recipe.
Malt flour can also be helpful for people with diabetes. It has a low glycemic index, meaning it doesn’t cause a spike in blood sugar levels. This makes it a good choice for people looking for healthy ways to control their diabetes.
Malt flour can often be found in health food shops, but you’ll often find it online at a lower price. You can find my choice of diastatic malt flour and non-diastatic malt flour on Amazon by clicking these links.
It is best to store malt flour in an airtight container to prevent it from becoming stale. It can be kept for several months, but after that time has passed, its flavour will diminish and should no longer be used.
Malt flour is a crucial ingredient in malted bread. Aside from this, it’s not vital to include it. If you don’t have any on hand or don’t want to bother buying it, use high-quality bread flour.
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Hi, I’m Gareth Busby, a baking coach, senior baker and bread-baking fanatic! My aim is to use science, techniques and 15 years of baking experience to make you a better baker.
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