Calories: 584kcal | Carbohydrates: 122g | Protein: 17g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 0.3g | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 0.4g | Calcium: 28mg | Iron: 7mg
I didn’t have big expectations for sourdough baguettes at first. I mean I love my authentic baguette with poolish recipe and well, would sourdough really enhance a baguette? After tasting these I quickly realised that I was wrong! I’ve tried many baguettes in top bakeries in France, Spain and the UK and these have to be the best baguettes I have ever eaten.
Calories: 584kcal | Carbohydrates: 122g | Protein: 17g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 0.3g | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 0.4g | Calcium: 28mg | Iron: 7mg
So good are these sourdough baguettes, I was debating on whether I should share the recipe. But I’m not that cruel! This recipe takes 11 – 15 hours to make, depending on the activity in the starter and the temperature of the room. Expect to make 5 small baguettes with this recipe.
Artisan baguettes should be eaten within 4 hours. You may want to put some in the freezer to eat in the following days. Alternatively, divide the dough and retain a portion to cold-proof in the fridge (retard) and bake the following day.
To make this amazing sourdough bread, you’ll need the following equipment:
Using a thermometer will help you with controlling proofing times. For accurate dough temperature readings try this thermometer from Gdealer.
A baking stone conducts heat into the loaf. Using one increases the height of the oven spring and helps to give an even bake on the base of the loaf. If you don’t have a baking stone, preheat the thickest baking sheet that you have.
Yes, if you would rather use a Dutch oven to make this sourdough baguette recipe, and you won’t need to add steam to the oven. Simply preheat the dutch oven and drop the dough inside on a sheet of parchment paper to bake. If you are looking to get a dutch oven to bake baguettes, I recommend getting a large one like this one from Challenger.
During the recording of the video I made some tweaks to the recipe by increasing the water and the bulk fermentation time. They are only small changes but so you are clear, these adaptations have been altered in the recipe and method so use the timings and amounts written here.
Make the biga ahead of starting the dough. To do this, measure the water into a bowl, add the sourdough and then the flour. Give it a mix for a minute or two until the mixture has an even consistency. Cover, and leave on the kitchen table for 6-8 hours or until it’s doubled in size.
When the sourdough biga is developed there will be large bubbles breaking its surface. At this point weigh the remaining ingredients. In a large bowl, add the biga to the water and combine with the flour. Retain the 2nd water and salt for later
Use a plastic dough scraper around the edges of the bowl to combine the ingredients into an even mass. Place a cover over the bowl and leave on the table for 30 minutes.
Next, add the salt and set a 5 minute timer. Then with a plastic dough scraper make sweeping movements to combine the ingredients in the bowl. Once the dough forms a mass, knead slowly on a table, using a stretching motion. Continue this until the timer beeps, by now the dough should have an even consistency. Scrap the dough back into the mixing bowl, cover with a bag and place it in the fridge.
Dough mixer steps:
After the dough has rested, use a plastic dough scraper to empty the dough into a mixing bowl fitted with a dough hook attachment. Add the salt and mix gently for 6 minutes.
Take from the fridge to the table and set a 5-minute timer. Knead fast using the stretch, slap and fold technique until the timer ends. Place back in the bowl alongside the second water and push the dough into the water with your hands. When the dough starts to incorporate the water turn it back out onto the table and knead for another 3-5 minutes.
Dough mixer steps:
Set a timer for 8 minutes and increase the speed of the mixer. After one minute, add the second water to the bowl – it might be useful to slow down the mixer speed temporarily for this! Continue fast mixing until the timer ends. The dough is strong and thin when stretched (windowpane test), if not mix for a few more minutes and check again.
Place the dough in a mixing bowl, cover and leave to rest. If the dough is warm and sticky (use a temperature probe (+25C or 77F) to be precise) use the fridge, otherwise, it can be left on the kitchen counter. Leave for 1 hour.
Remove the dough from the bowl and complete a stretch and fold. Just gently knead it for 20 seconds if you find this difficult.
Return the dough to the mixing bowl, cover and leave to rest for another hour.
You may want to extend the bulk fermentation for another hour or two for the dough to become more gassy. I would normally encourage this but these baguettes were so bloody nice I wouldn't worry too much!
Turn the dough out on a lightly floured worktop. Using a metal dough scraper, divide the dough into 260g pieces.
Shape the pieces into cylinder shapes and leave them on a lightly floured area of the table to bench rest for 20 minutes.
Prepare a couche by dusting it with flour and semolina. Make a crease on the left-side edge of the cloth. Then, working left to right, as each baguette goes into the couche, the edges on the righthand side are going to be folded to act as a barrier between the next dough piece.
Once relaxed, from the centre of the dough, roll out using both hands until the length of the baguette is formed. This should be about 30cm or the length of your oven. You can taper the ends if you wish by applying more pressure. As you shape each one, transfer them onto a floured couche or tea towel.
Cover the baguettes with a spare section of the couche (or with another dusted couche/tea towel) and leave to proof for 3-4 hours. Preheat the oven to 250C (480F), in this time with a baking stone and a lipped baking sheet below it. It is best to use the bottom heat only setting when heating.
When ready for the oven, the dough should be smooth and almost pass the poke test. Slightly under proofed is preferred for baguettes.
Take a long baguette peel to remove the baguette from the couche. You can either put them onto a large board (or peel) to slide them in the oven a batch at a time or slide them individually using only the baguette peel. Doing them in batches is best however I don’t have a peel big enough to fit the baguettes so am doing them individually.
Pick up a baguette by sliding the peel to the side and tipping it out of the couche. You can straighten it with your hands if you need to. Either drop onto a board and collect the next one or if doing them individually, cut it on the peel.
If you don't have a baguette peel you can make do with a thin chopping board. Try to avoid melting it on the hot baking stone if it's plastic!
Using a lame, make 3-4 angled slashes in the dough and then drop the bread gently onto the baking stone. Repeat for the remaining dough pieces whilst leaving a two-inch gap between them as they are loaded into the oven. You might not fit all of them in the oven in one go. If this is the case, place the couche in the fridge whilst the first batch bake, taking care to keep it flat.
You have to work fast when placing the baguettes in the oven one by one like this. If you have a large board or peel you can slide them into the oven in one go.
Once the baguettes are in the oven, pour a couple of cups of boiling water on the hot baking sheet and quickly shut the door. Change the oven heat setting to the top and bottom heat selection, and bake for 20-25 minutes, opening the oven door after 15 to check up on them and release some of the steam.
Once the baguettes have a nice, dark but golden colour, remove them from the oven using a peel and allow them to cool. Repeat for the second batch if required.
Leave to cool for 1 hour before eating. Enjoy!
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